Milliput Superfine – White
Weight | 1.134g ( 4oz) |
For the restoration of porcelain and other ceramics. For the repair of antiques, objects d’art, picture moulding etc, for sculpting and modelling.
- Modelling mistakes, joins and cracks can be touched up and concealed using 2-Part Self Hardening Epoxy Putty, Silver/Grey, Medium
- Milliput is a versatile putty which adheres to and will seal or bond ceramics, wood, plastics, glass, metals, cement, etc.
- Milliput can be sculpted and when set can be turned , sawn, drilled, tapped, filed, sandpapered, painted or cellulose sprayed.
- Millip is very responsive to water and when sculpting and modelling the use of water with scalpels, wire tools probes, engraving tools, soft brushes and cloths, etc., is strongly recommended.
- Milliput 2 part epoxy filler. Super Fine grade. Superfine White Milliput is specially formulated for the restoration of porcelain and ceramics where a fine finish is desired. Milliput also allows for missing parts to be reconstituted.Superfine White Milliput is recognised as one of the finest materials available for ceramic restoration. For hobbyists these characteristics make it fantastic for miniature sculpting in many applications. When mixed with water a ‘Milliput Juice’ can be made, which is fantastic as smoothing out pitted or flawed miniatures, for example metal cloaks.Typical applications:
Ceramic restoration
Picture frame restoration
Jewellery making
Repair and filling UPVC
Swimming pool repairs
Chips, scratches and other imperfections in baths, showers, sinks, tiles and white kitchen appliances
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